Timun Cina
Caller: Hello. I need some information about data for goods'
imports and exports. How can I get those infos?
Me: We have METS Online, sir. I can help you surf the link.
Caller: Good! I have my PC with me.
Me: Okay. Now go to www.dosm.gov.my. Your page is in
English or Malay?
Caller: English.
Me: Alright. Now click "Online Services", then
"METS Online". What item
would you want to gain infos of?
Caller: Timun cina
Me: (thinking deep) Huh?
Me: Oh...you mean, Tembikai?
Caller: Yes! Yes!
Me: (uncontrollably holding my laughter) Oh, so you have to
type "watermelon" there.
.. That's how my morning starts sometimes.
Much ado about cats
Caller: Hello. Saya Dr. Bani dari Tabung Darah Kuching. Boleh
saya dapatkan populasi Kuching?
Me: (kucing?) Apa? Ohhhh..
Soil Sample
Caller: Hello, I am Melvin, final year student in IUKL. I am
doing my final year project which is study of water absorption of interlocking
compressed earth block.
Me: OK how can I help you, sir?
Caller: I am wondering if I can have some soil samples
from Statistics Department to conduct it in laboratory.
Me: (soil samples? What?) I am sorry, sir. We do not collect
soil samples here in DOSM. We only collect data.
.. and these are just some of the unforgettable users’ antics
Author: Pn. Norhayati bt. Yahya